Western Cape Disaster Management Centre: COVID-19 Activation Team
The Provincial Disaster Management Centre operated from 25 March 2020, on a 24/7 basis. The Team worked 12-hour shifts to provide support to citizens, municipalities, sector departments and the province as a whole. From March to September 2020, the Team coordinated activities, supported the Department of Health, and captured quarantine and isolation statistics and reports. The Team ensured cross functional collaboration and engagements with Cabinet, Provincial Departmental Representatives, Heads of Disaster Management Centres, State Owned Enterprises and the National Disaster Management Centre. COVID-19 matters requiring urgent intervention were reported at the COVID-19 JOC briefings and through cluster reports. The Disaster Management Centre also dealt with approximately 1 016 queries from the public and various stakeholders. Queries were addressed by clarifying issues ranging from citizens in distress, medical emergencies, caring for the elderly, children custodianship and food security, as well as obtaining legal opinion on these regulations. The Centre was able to coordinate the required help through the safety and security cluster, humanitarian cluster and all other key role players to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on communities.