Red Tape Reduction on Building Plan Approvals - making it faster, easier and affordable to do business in the Swartland

Red Tape Reduction on Building Plan Approvals

Red Tape Reduction on Building Plan Approvals - making it faster, easier and affordable to do business in the Swartland

Swartland Municipality

Swartland Municipality has changed to an automated building plan submissions process, to create an enabling environment for investment and employment opportunities. Building plans are subjected to a pre-submission process, with a specified timeframe, within which all town planning and land use aspects are addressed. Building plans may only be officially submitted on our building plan portal once all issues have been resolved. The pre-submission check prevents submitted plans from being delayed in the system. Communication is electronic and immediate which eliminates long delays between comments and responses. Constant interaction and flow of information between the Municipality and its clients enhance the confidence of investors in the area, as it is evident that the administrative systems are effective, yielding returns due to shorter turn-around times. The faster building plans are approved, the more rapidly construction can commence, creating job opportunities.

The Red Tape Reduction Programme is considered sustainable on several levels and system operates electronically, thereby creating a paperless environment.