Pineland EMS Vaccination Team

Pinelands EMS Vaccination

Pineland EMS Vaccination Team


At the beginning of the third wave, while vaccines represented hope and optimism, vaccine access and vaccination capabilities were great unknowns and all of government were called upon to aid the collective effort. The EMS team thus felt compelled to participate in what was to become a collective act of citizenship. It started as a small and humble attempt to contribute in a meaningful way, evolved and became an example of what is possible through the collective agency of ordinary civil servants.

In the very short six months that the centre operated, it vaccinated over 20 000 people. However most notably, nearly 13000 vaccinations were administered over 2 weeks as part the collaboration between the DoH and the Western Cape Education Department (WCED)

The Pinelands EMS vaccination centre demonstrated in a very visible and tangible way, just what a whole of society (WoSA) and a whole of government approach (WOGA) may achieve with enough commitment, creativity, and collaboration.