Best Municipality
This Category recognises a Municipality demonstrating commitment to citizen-centricity, service delivery excellence and Good Government Principles.
The Drakenstein Municipality received its fourteenth consecutive unqualified audit opinion during the 2020/21 financial year.
The Municipality is the top ranked secondary city in the Western Cape and is rated second nationally.
This is a product of hard work in maintaining and improving the level of services being delivered to the community, whilst improving the financial sustainability and liquidity of the municipality.
The Cape Agulhas Municipality is committed to clean administration, good governance and investing its scares resources in the right place in terms of its legislative mandate.
The Municipality’s overall financial position remains sound due to positive cash balances at:
- year-end;
- the net surplus;
- favourable liquidity and solvency positions; and
- as well as the municipality’s ability to effectively manage its working capital.
The capital expenditure has remained over 90% for the last three years, and even managed to maintain this spending during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
West Coast District Municipality is currently the leading Government Institution in South Africa, with 11 consecutive clean audit awards.
From a Stakeholder perspective, the West Coast District Municipality is well positioned as a leading District Municipality in South Africa.
The Overstrand Municipality has achieved nine consecutive clean audit reports and has adopted a zero-tolerance approach to good governance.
Control measures were implemented with the goal of achieving effective corporate governance through accountability.
Control measures ensure that the Overstrand Municipality maintains and progressively improves its control environment to further enhancing service delivery.
This places Overstrand Municipality amongst the top 5% of local municipalities in South Africa to have received three or more consecutive clean audits.
The Swartland Municipality boasts management and staff that are dedicated to meet and maintain high standards of performance at all times.
The Municipality also has a one stop shop approach to make it easier for citizens or stakeholders to do business with the municipality. The One Stop Shop approach also focuses on investment, looking at areas where it could expedite and unblock investment.