Hendrickus Arangies
Mr Arangies is the Head Master and a Teacher at Eversdal Primary School in Durbanville. He realised that education should cater for individual learners and different learning styles. A Finland study tour exposed Mr Arangies to innovative teaching methods. He implemented Deep Learning at Eversdal, focussing on ways to access learners’ ability in mastering a deeper level of learning, in the principles found in critical skills, needed for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. He ensured that teachers were ICT-skilled and motivated staff members to change the way they delivered the curriculum. Office 365 as a curriculum delivery platform was implemented. Interactive whiteboards, TV monitors and tablets were made available in every classroom. Teaching with iPads was implemented, resulting in the Intersen Phase embarking on writing and creating the School’s own e-Curriculum, based on the CAPS Curriculum, through the Curriculum Development process initiated by Mr Arangies.