Mitchell's Plain CHC Team
Since the start of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the entire facility has been mobilised to address the vast needs and requests from clients in the Mitchells Plain geographical area and its surroundings.
During the pandemic, outreach programmes were extended to various settings within the community, including homes, community halls, religious institutions, shopping centres and the wellness bus.
The team identified the need for services in a newly established informal settlement of Kapteinsklip which is on the outskirts of Tafelsig. The most vulnerable areas with lack of basic services were prioritised in its service offering [Heinz Park, Tafelsig, The leagues, Montrose Park].
Mitchells Plain CHC services see +/- 30 000 clients per month, who come from the Mitchells Plain and surrounding areas. The team has, and continues, to provide clients with the best possible services and endeavours not to deny anybody from services.