Financial Management Team
Community Safety
The Financial Management team were clear on their objectives and followed processes towards ensuring an unqualified audit opinion for 13 (consecutive) years. The team improved their measurement systems to ensure that performance against objectives is accurate and consistent for all components in the Directorate: Financial Management, by collaboration with each other. The team streamlined their operational effectiveness within their specialised fields and adopted a culture of service delivery, reflecting and enhancing it annually to maintain their standard and adapt when needed in an ever changing and dynamic environment. During the period under review, it should be noted that the COVID-19 pandemic has tested the tenacity of the team to ensure that services remained operational and service delivery targets were met. The Department received 13 consecutive clean audit outcomes, noting the collective efforts required to achieve this milestone.
The finance management teams conducts themselves in an effective, efficient, ethical and professional manner, through maintaining and promoting a high standard of professional ethics as part of the top 10 values and principles in the Public Sector of South Africa.