Facilities and Infrastructure Management COVID-19 Response


Facilities and Infrastructure Management COVID-19 Response

COVID-19 unearthed huge gaps in the healthcare system for the projected number of hospitalisations, intensive care admissions and mortuary services. This placed the Facilities and Infrastructure Management Team under tremendous pressure. Due to the urgency, radical changes in systems and processes were required to ensure swift infrastructure delivery.  Alternative building technology and contracting strategies were adopted to create temporary structures that would withstand harsh weather conditions, providing the necessary functional requirements. Infection, prevention and control considerations were paramount. Initially tents were used for triage and testing, which changed to custom- made prefabricated structures. Containers were manufactured for facilities that provided a waiting space and testing booths, as well as consulting rooms for suspected positive patients. Refrigerated shipping containers were rented to create Temporary Mass Fatality body holding spaces.  The pandemic could be managed due to the additional infrastructure. Many lives were saved with the provision of oxygen and equipment that was purchased, reducing undue stress on the health system.