Drakenstein Digital Clinical Wizards


Drakenstein Digital Clinical Wizards

Drakenstein Primary Health Care Services prepared for COVID-19, mindful of the implications on an already constrained healthcare system. The team realised that streamlining of processes were necessary.  A medical officer suggested that they streamline the data management process. The Microsoft Teams platform was introduced to switch to a live information system. Teams has a restrict access option and was deemed a safe platform to share sensitive data. Additionally, the shared file option enabled accessibility, patient status updates, and patient tracing. This improved data accuracy and the ability to collate and utilise the information, improving patient care, and healthcare information accessibility.  The information system was switched to live adoption on 1 June 2020, when Drakenstein became a hotspot. Prompt tracing resulted in improved patient care. Local surveillance of outbreaks prompted rapid intersectoral responses. The system also enabled capturing of responses and activities in communities.