C-19 Economic Cluster


C-19 Economic Cluster

The C-19 Economic Cluster was established to support the economic sectors during the initial COVID-19 outbreak. Initiated in March 2020, the Cluster is aligned to strategic objectives of job creation and sustainable employment opportunities, led by the Department of Economic Development and Tourism, including representatives from Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, Department of Agriculture, WESGRO, and the City of Cape Town.  The Cluster tracks sector trends, identifies risks to the economy, and responds in a multi-disciplinary manner. Roles were assigned to different team members to focus on key sectors and priorities. The needs of the economy shifted throughout the stages of the disaster based on changing regulations, peaks in infections, and limitations on trading activities.  The following seven focus areas were introduced:

  1. Support and alignment with an overall C-19 response;
  2. Sector support and industry lobbying;
  3. Workplace safety and infections hotspot management;
  4. C19 Regulations interpretation;
  5. Economic Recovery Plan;
  6. Business Continuity Support; and
  7. Informal Economy and SMME Risks.

7 300 employees were assisted with TERS; 3 414 SMMEs were assisted with support and relief; approximately 9 000 COVID-related business enquiries were fielded. 11 000 SMMEs were supported with workplace safety kits. 252 businesses were assisted through the COVID Business Relief Fund and 137 small businesses received support from tech volunteers.